Friday, November 20, 2009

ART 2 - Andy Goldsworthy Projects

Please forgive me for not keeping this updated so far! I have been swamped! I had actually done about ten "draft posts" but forgot to take the pictures! So, they never posted:( Anyway, I promise I'll TRY to do better for both you and my students!

Art 2 and the 7th/8th grade Art 1 are making projects using the beautiful scenery of Good Hope this fall season thanks to the new nature trail created this summer by our vice principals. This project is all about the nature around us and how to reconize the simplistic beauty of the nature around us. We began this project by watching a documentary of Andy Goldsworthy. We talked about how his art was inspired by nature, made with nature, made IN nature, and given to nature...and often destroyed by nature...Whew! Lotsa nature! :)Here are some pictures of the projects!

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